Oxyplus Sanitizer


Very Strong Disinfectant for the use in food and beverage industries, poultry farms, aquaculture farms, drinking water plants, air conditioning and cooling towers, hospitals, hotels, schools and cosmetic industries. It is effective on coliform, E. Coli, Legionella, Salmonalle, MRSA, Bacterophage,viruses, sporogenisis, yeasts, cholerare, amoebae, Pseudorabies, listeria moncytogenes, Hepatitis, Meningitis, Herpes, Newcastle disease, indluenze A (Hominis).


30 Kg


– For disinfectant of various operation, fill the spray bottles with ready to use solution of Oxyplus and spray it on the surface you want to disinfect or sanitize. – For fruits and vegetbales sanitation: Fill the first water sink compartment with required water and soak the fruits and vegetables to remove any physical soils. Brushing is recommended for hard skin vegetables to remove the adhering soils : Fill the first water sink compartment with ready to use solution of Oxyplus and ensure that PH of Oxyplus is 5: Soak clean and fresh vegetables in the Oxyplus Solution according to its recommended time (Leafy vegetables : 30 seconds, Soft Skin Vegetables: 2 minutes, Hard Skin Vegetables: 3 minutes)